Course Description
This course provides an introduction to financial principles that can be utilized across multi-disciplines with the overall goal of maximizing shareholder value in the organization. The concepts of financial statement analysis, forecasting, leverage, working capital management, the time value of money, capital budgeting, security valuation, and capital markets will be addressed through both lectures and active approaches of problem solving and case discussions.
Finance is central to the operation of every organization. This course explores the theoretical aspects of finance. The end goal is to provide students with the tools necessary to conduct accurate financial analysis. For students pursuing a career in finance, the topics provide the foundation for an immersion in the science of finance. Students pursuing non-finance careers will receive an overview of finance issues encountered by managers.
Required Textbooks & Materials:
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance by Brealey, Myers and Marcus, 11th ed., New York: McGraw Hill, Inc. 2023.
A Financial Calculator is required: ( HP12c is the only supported calculator).
Access to Computer and Excel
Homework CONNECT Account
Agency Paper: Dr. Will:
Write a paper of 400 words or MORE on the topic of corporate governance or agency theory. The paper must cover a current event related to the topic and include a link to the article at the start of the paper. Do not copy and paste the article or quotes from the article in the paper. The paper must be submitted via Google Classroom. Details to follow. The paper must be a MS Word file. When naming your MS Word file, the file name MUST contain your last name. For example, my paper would be called “WILL_Agency.DOCX”
Articles may be found on my website under research, from the WSJ on any day and via google search. PLEASE read the book and your notes from class for specifics. Details will ONLY be provided in class and not via email.
Google Classroom Link for Dr. Will’s agency paper
Submission Code: kjdqwuh
CONNECT help. PowerPoint or Video
For problems with Homework CONNECT contact your professor or call the Homework CONNECT support line at 800-331-5094.
To Purchase CONNECT…click REGISTER NOW on the section login screen.
CONNECT comes with an E-Book
If you want a hard copy of the book, I recommend buying a previous edition online at a discounted price
Recommended Material:
Study Guide written by Dr. Matt Will
Finance Practice Problems: and Practice set Good website for practicing finance problems
Download PowerPoint slides for 10th edition
Download PowerPoint slides for 11th edition
Prerequisites – Accounting 210
Web Links
Corporate Finance Overview Video
The school of business provides a free tutor for students taking Finance 210. If you are in getting help, please contact the tutor directly and arrange a meeting.
Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism
You must not adopt or reproduce ideas, words, or statements of another person without giving an appropriate acknowledgement to the source. You must give due credit to the originality of others and acknowledge an indebtedness wherever you:
- Quote another person’s actual words, either oral or written;
- Paraphrase another person’s words, either oral or written;
- Use another person’s ideas, opinions, or theories; or
- Cite facts, statistics, or other illustrative material, unless the information is common knowledge.
All assignments must be your original work and not the work of other students. Neither group work nor the individual work of another student may be submitted by you. Submission of such work will be considered academic misconduct. Incidents of academic misconduct, dishonesty and/or plagiarism will be handled as per the Student Handbook.
Academic Integrity and the penalties for violations are defined in the Student Handbook. It is the responsibility of the student to avail themselves of this information.