Course Description

By employing a case study approach focusing on complex problems, students gain a deeper understanding of corporate forecasting, capital budgeting, cost of capital analysis, and the financing of capital investments.  The impact of financial decisions on strategic investment completes the course.

The course combines a theoretical approach to the understanding of finance, with examples of how this theoretical knowledge is applied in practical situations.  Through such key concepts as cost of capital, term structure of interest rates, capital budgeting, optimal capital structure, and maximization of shareholder value, students learn the analytical techniques necessary to make rational financial decisions.

Required Materials

Case Studies in Finance: Managing for Corporate Value Creation by Bruner, Eades, Schill, 7th edition, New York, NY, 2014 ISBN: 978-0-07-786171-1

Textbook Web Site

Email Account – (Send Email to instructor BEFORE 2nd class)
Financial Calculator – (recommend HP12C)
Access to Personal Computer and Spreadsheet program

Prerequisites – MBA 680 (unless waived by Dr. Will)

Syllabus – Subject to modification by faculty

Classic Cases

Requires UIndy LOGIN

Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism

You must not adopt or reproduce ideas, words, or statements of another person without giving an appropriate acknowledgement to the source. You must give due credit to the originality of others and acknowledge an indebtedness wherever you:

  • Quote another person’s actual words, either oral or written;
  • Paraphrase another person’s words, either oral or written;
  • Use another person’s ideas, opinions, or theories; or
  • Cite facts, statistics, or other illustrative material, unless the information is common knowledge.

All assignments must be your original work and not the work of other students. Neither group work nor the individual work of another student may be submitted by you. Submission of such work will be considered academic misconduct. Incidents of academic misconduct, dishonesty and/or plagiarism will be handled as per the Student Handbook.

Academic Integrity and the penalties for violations are defined  in the Student Handbook. It is the responsibility of the student to avail themselves of this information.